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This is a good game, I'm enjoying it very much, but I've been having a problem. everytime I try to do the battle with bell the game stop at somepoint and i can do anything, and I try to do something but it doesn't work at all. thank you

If I recall correctly, this is a bug we fixed in the patreon version, but not the demo version. Thankfully, we plan to release a new demo version with some bugfixes later on this month!

I see, Thanks for solving my doubt

Hey so... where can I download your demon for mugen? It's still available
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Is there still a continuation of the story after daemonheim chapter 1? If so, what should I do because I'm confused, thank you

The story continues after the chapter 1, but only in the patreon version. We are currently making the second world (in which Haiden appears when looking at the characters above) and we are halfway done with that world. We plan on finishing it this year then tackle the next chapter of the main story.

Ah, thanks. I'll wait for the Continuity, good luck

Great game, has tons of content (not only THAT type of content but also a lot of gameplay, mechanics, and minigames), great characters, a story, and a few days for 6-10 hours of pleasure.

Also works great on Linux through Proton (I used 8-25) and Heroic launcher, I got only one crash in all time, but autosave saved me from flaming ass.
(Sorry if there is any mistakes, english isn`t my native language)

Thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed the game!


There is a wooden board below the throne room you can use to assign and remove workers ;)

Your games are so amazing! Sadly I can't support u on Patreon, since it's not allowed in my Country, is there any other ways?

Thank you! Fanbox and Subscribestar are also options if you prefer those ;)

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Hi ! That's a really nice game you gained a Patreon, I really love it ! Did you plan on adding one or some bearded big muscular men ? x) If not it's still fine this game is awesome keep going ! :D ( I should take a break I've been playing this game for 5h straight x) )


Glad you enjoyed the game! Bearded big musuclar men unfortunately aren't my thing and I feel they might look a little out of place with all the current characters, but I'm not closed to having more muscular men. (Personally a pretty big fan of Leon from RE so a guy like that in the future could be possible, who knows :P)

how do i get skill points to learn new skills

By using characters in combat

no discord for this game :\

There is a Discord server but only available via Patreon.

on download link it says "demo" so is there like a full version of it?

There's another version with more content that I update via my patreon but it's not complete yet and won't be for years as we're still fairly early in the game's overall progress.

so like a premium and free subscription type like in free u get to play games but limited and in free its everything included, right? i just dont want this game to end TvT

Oh this game is FAR from ending haha, rather, we're only starting. Our plans current plans would see this game in development for at least the next five years lol

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Hello Redflash, so I downloaded 0.9.7 and I copied my save files from  v0.4.4, but I couldn't go on any mission, so I was like "Let's start a new, maybe that would fix it" but after Recruiting Soren it never let me go on the second mission. I built even the shop too so I can't really do anything. :/ Do you know a fix for it? Or should I uninsall it and not affect with my old save files? (Also I deleted every savefile from the saves folder)


You were right to start a new game (v0.4.4 was too old to transfer your saves). After summoning Soren and building the shop, don't forget to do the adventure board mission to unlock Zel's hero challenge ;)

The problem remained. :(

I have nothing after building the shop, building the portal, recruiting Soren. There's nothing on the ongoing and neither in the new page of the adventure board. :/
Also, I reinstalled the game, so the old save files wouldn't affect the game, sadly this problem remains. :/


if I recall correctly, you're at the point where you build the reception room then build the crafting room, craft Soren's Prismind and give it to him.

Oh, okay then, I  will try it. :D

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im so obsessed with this game, it's very original and sexy, you really did a good work, I'll try more of your content in the future :3 

Thank you very much! I mostly update the blog for news but new versions for Dreadlord Ascension will be patreon only for the time being ;)

then I will open a patreon account just to follow you UwU Hope to enjoy new versions soon 


Hii! Idk if this question has been asked already (or if this is the right place to ask), but is this game's development meant to be lengthy, if that makes sense? Like, will it have an 'end' (I ask because it looks like the castle is already a big part of the game, hinting at more to come), and are there plans for it to be a continually playable game (like animal crossing or something I guess LOL) or might it have an 'ending' in which, after said ending, you either restart or reload a save I guess? I hope this makes sense  and it's totally cool if none of that is even planned out rn, I'd imagine making these games takes a while LOL. Anyway, the game is really enjoyable so far, thanks <3


Thanks for playing the game, if everything goes well, we should have an actual demo of how the game should be going forward coming out later today ;)

As for the playability of the game, I plan to have an end to the story at some point, but even when you reach that end, you can still keep playing afterwards (no need to start over or NG+) because our plan is to introduce something akin to a roguelike mode later in the game (might start working on that next year). Additional worlds with new characters could also be possible even after the end of the game, but we're far from having reaching that point lol, we still have years of development left to go x)

Oh that answered it perfectly!! Thank you so much, I can't wait to see how the game turns out, & good luck with the development. ♥

Any nsfw content?


Plenty lol


Before starting though, I would personally recommend to wait a few days, a new version with a lot of changes is coming out soon.

I'll wait for it ! You got some fans here hehe

It's not loading on my PC-- like i click on the .exe but nothing appears. I check task manager and it says the engine is running, but nothing is popping up. it also made my pc slow asf.

That's an old bug we had where the game would run in the background in a loop without actually starting ><. The version on is pretty old so it shouldn't be in the game anymore (closing the process via task manager should stop the issue).

I'll try to upload the new version and update all the page with new information next month as we'll have a proper demo of the game that will show better the direction we're taking.

May I have a question? Is this project still in progress? Please don't tell if it's abandoned T-T


Oh yeah, it's very much in progress! The more regular updates can be seen on my blog or patreon. I'm going to update this page when we've got the next itteration of the game ready along with proper assets to spruce up the page with character sheets and all :P

Yaaaay I can't wait! >w<

Thank you for the answer!

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Any girls in  this game?

Sorry, aside from side characters there aren't

Is there a way to play this on Mobile like JoiPlay? And how can I also play this on pc?

Not possible for mobile at the moment, but for PC it's just like any other game. Download the .zip file, extract the files then double click on the .exe to play.

@Redflash If I can make some suggestions for future castle upgrades:

a living quarters area for the harem and Cervius - adds harem interactions when not working (for example allow Soren, Zel, and Leif threesome, with all interactions having a watch and/or join options)

research zone (name pending) adds magic training, and can be used to change (increase or decrease) characters sexual traits (using magical essence most likely.

refinery add on (likely an upgrade to crafting room) refine ore into ingots and wood into planks.

essence distillery (likely another crating upgrade) distills milk product into essence (for example Zel's milk becomes storm essence, Alastor's maybe water?)

I absolutely love the mission room upgrade which looks amazing.

I hope to see more of this, it has been an absolute addiction from the moment I downloaded it.


Thanks for the input!

The living quarter kinda exists already but it's not accessible since demons aren't allowed there to give them some privacy (It's the door to the building on the left garden side under the milking room technically)

The research zone is an interesting idea, i'll have to keep that in mind.

The refinery can already be done with the crafting room.

The distillery is an interesting idea, I could see it being an upgrade to the crafting room if the Essence items are used a lot.

Again, thank you! All rooms currently in the castle already are determined but we could always try to add more later on. First we need to add all of them and get started on the upgrades haha, we still haven't started on the second floor but we did add the pleasure room to the underground on the patreon version xP

I will look into this game. Take your time, dev. 

Will this be playable in android? The game looks cool so I want to play it.

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It is one of our later goals, yes, but it may take a few months to get there

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